Sunday, June 26, 2011

In My Opinion...The Casey Anthony Trial

  I live in Central Florida, and right now the local media is saturated and completely obessed with the Casey Anthony Trial . I'm not one of those people that takes everything at face value. I'm not a chicken eating what the media is feeding me. People tend to forget that the media has to make rankings in order to get viewers to watch and make money to have a job. They blow everything out of proportion and things are often misconstrued and not what they seem. I have been on Facebook, and seen people so enraged, so full of hate for this person they do not know. They see her instead as a baby killing monster. This woman DID NOT admit to murdering her child. She is NOT like Andrea Yates that DROWNED her five children, Julianne McCrery , (also as a matter of coincidence, happens to be from Texas) that killed her child and left him in a rural town in Maine. They have admittedly killed their children. There's been no admission at ANY point in time from Casey Anthony that her daughter died by her hand.

  Did Casey Anthony lie to Law Enforcement? She damn sure did. Did she report her daughter missing? No, she didn't. Why? I'll tell you why- fear. Have you ever found out that your children did something they weren't supposed to, and when you ask them "Why didn't you just tell me?" they will say "I thought I was going to get in trouble." Has your child ever been involved in something they know is wrong, and they didn't tell you about it? When confronted is not the answer often "I was told not to tell anyone?" Think back to when you were 22. Did you not have a similar mentality? Now imagine being this 22 year old girl that has just lost her baby. After any traumatic event in life we are all not in our right frame of mind. We may act different, and as we are all different people, we deal with things in our own ways. Some go to church and pray, some go away for awhile to clear their heads, some lean on family and friends heavily for support. Some lean on drugs and alcohol. So as for the allegations of Casey going out and partying, this was her way of dealing with the situation. Right or wrong, it was her coping mechanism. How do I know this? Because after a traumatic event in my life, I did the exact same thing. I was young, felt there was no one I could trust. I went out every night and put a happy face on with the help of my "friends" and partied 'til the sun came up. Ask any alcoholic why they're in a bar every night. You'll get a similar answer. Casey may have been a "Party Girl" prior to Caylee's death as well, which only solidifies my belief that she was prone to dealing with her problems in just this manner. I know, that if the technology was 12 years ago what it was today, and someone had taken pictures of me at that time, I would have looked much like Casey, and no one would ever think that there was demon tearing me apart at the seams inside. It also wouldn't bode well for me if someone was trying to establish what kind of person I am today based on pictures that were taken at the worst point of my young life.

 Do I believe that Casey's parents knew more than they were letting on? I certainly think George did. I think that he didn't want to see his daughter end up in jail for Endangering the Welfare of a Minor or Manslaughter charges. I say manslaughter because I do believe that this was an accident, not premeditated murder. So the answer from her dad was "Don't tell ANYONE." She went along with this because, as I'm famous for saying- "Fear makes the wolf appear bigger than it is."

 I believe that the State of Florida found that one search for chlorofoam on the Anthony's computer, and built their case around it.  This pic was posted on Ricardo Morales' Myspace, who was at the time the boyfriend of Casey Anthony. Is it possible that's why she researched what chlorofoam was and decided to ditch this psycho in a quick hurry? Are you aware that there are "trace" amounts of chlorofoam already present in carpeting? Are you aware that there are also "trace" amounts of chlorofoam in vehicle exhaust? There are many other sources of chlorofoam that occur in everyday things you are exposed to. Yet the scientist that tested the carpet specimen testified that there were only "trace" amounts of chlorofoam present in the lab sample provided from the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. Hmm..isn't the trunk also very close to the exhaust from the muffler on a vehicle? I find the INTENTIONAL murder of Caylee Anthony being based on this information completely LAUGHABLE and it should have never been allowed in court as the theory, and that's what it is- a THEORY, because their is no clear determination of death by the Cornerer that is based on scientific proof. She is also informed of "cirumstances" around the death. I believe this could also lead to a persuasion, as these were Law Enforcements assumptions based on what they saw when the body was found. Speaking to the duct tape (another laughable issue) since the remains were found in a swampy area, the body decomposed, how would duct tape that was attached to the mouth remain on the skull? The bag was clearly punctured if what the prosecution says is true that her body was eaten by wildlife.
Duct tape is by no means waterproof. When it gets wet, it disintgrates, and will come loose from whatever it was attached to. The tape, could have at one time been around the bag to seal it closed, but I do not believe the theory that her mouth was taped shut for the purpose of restricting Caylee's breathing. I believe that the disintegration of the tape allowed for movement, and that in the movement, it may have loosely attached itself where it was said to be "found on her skull" by investigators.

 Last night I googled images for Caylee Anthony. This is what I found.
Casey and Caylee Anthony Personal Photos

Sure there were pics of Casey partying and Caylee dressed as Princess Leah...but the pics that spoke volumes to me were the more personal ones that show the bond that this mother had with her child.
I am writing this in the perspective of a mom who was also a single mother at 23. I lived with my parents and I know, that if I left their home, and something terrible happened to my daughter because of my neligence and a bad descision, I would have had the fear of God, not only in being put in jail, but also of the disappointment and possibly being disowned by my family. If indeed, Casey Anthony did accidentally contribute to the death of her daughter, there is no need for punishment that's determined by a jury of her peers. She will undoubtedly live in a personal hell that will be greater than a sentence handed down by a judge.

Let me leave you with this: "The act of murder itself was certainly condemned, but hatred is a ‘heart’ sin, and any hateful thought or act is an act of murder in God’s eyes for which justice will be demanded, possibly not in this life but at the judgment." (What does the Bible say about Hate? )

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your points about the mdeai twisting things, how we deal with our pain in unhealthy ways and the fact that God is a forgiving God and we all are able to receive that forgiveness. I also detest the hate filled comments on the site. I think her family probably has a lot of dysfunctions that they too never dealt with. BUT, to take your dead child (even if it was an accident) and leave her in the woods like a dead animal for the other dead animals to eat and make up some impossible to believe lie is pretty twisted in my book. I do not hate her and there's probably no way any of us will ever know the truth, but I pray God will have mercy on her and her family, it's just sad, very sad.
